It is a trading system. A complex of software designed to analyse the market, find patterns in it,
trade these patterns.
Frankenstein - a family of .ex5 executables written in MQL5 language.
It is a robot-program - an autonomous agent.
Part of TS_DayTrader system.
There are different builds(some of them are available for purchase in MQL5 Market):
iFrankenstein is an .ex5 indicator. There is a standalone executable,
also iFrankenstein.ex5 is used as a resource and the main signal provider by Frankenstein EA(Frankenstein.ex5, Frank.ex5, FrankPro.ex5...).
iFrankenstein implements the TA model in a form of an indicator(read the "TA model" chapter). Options are contracts. Rent-agreements. When you acquire an Option,
your wallet funds provide the liquidity for the Robot.
Owning a Frankie Option means that you own the profits made by the specified Robot(FrankPro EA) while trading with the user's funds.
The size of profits/losses depends on how much liquidity was provided and what leverage(risk size) was used.
This is an easy way to trade algorithmically without learning deep technicalities of agent optimization.
(1) Go to Robots, download .set file of the robot that you like. (look at the Result for the Last Week, choose the best performing robot)
(2) Run the .set file through Tester application to test and tune the performance.
(3) Run FrankPro EA or Frankenstein EA, or Frank EA on your hardware with it (see Goods).
Second approach:
Deposit Bitcoin and trade Options.
Contact us, we will setup a new group of Frankies,
so you can enjoy trading the financial instrument of your choice.
Some of our robots make profits, others - lose money.
Choose the ones that work or experiment with your own configurations(see "Local Installation" chapter).
There's been multiple tests so far, in the duration of the last 3 years(as of June 2024).
Most of the tests showed profitable performance of the system.
Around 10-40% of our agents are making profits.
Choose the ones that work.
The whole point of the system is to filter out the losing trading agents, configurations,
test hundreds, thousands of different strategies and allow user to detect and choose the working(profitable) ones.
This can work in the hands of an experienced trader.
Diversify your liquidity, use Fundamental Analysis combined with the
of our robots, this will increase profitablility.
'Try' it - for free. That's the best guarantee that one can ever find.
Choose robots with care, use fundamental analysis of the market, use TA to your liking.
Set up robots locally on your hardware to trade the current trend with your broker
(if you expect the price to rise - set only BUY robots, so that they are buying only the dips or the tops).
Turn them off as soon as the trend is done.
Or, just rent robots via Options, it is easier.
Set robots to trade in Virtual Environment, identify which strategies work the best,
activate them to trade real money. Exit the strategy when the market changes.
Diversify, never put all eggs into one busket.
Explore the market, try other pairs, there are thousands of instruments to trade,
it is a matter of effort to find the pattern and exploit it.
Trust is built over time.
Our goal is to grow big long-term and
to provide the best service that we can.
Contact us us anytime. Ask any questions.
Aleksey Grebyonkin - trader, lawyer.
Author of the TS_DayTrader trading system.
Viktor K. - the code-monkey.
Back-end, front-end designer.
10 years of trading experience,
we have been building this system for about 5 years now(as of year 2024).
We are trading enthusiasts, keeping our eyes on the market for quite some time.
There were previous projects, TS_DayTrader and Frankenstein is the direct result of accumulation
of trading experience and building trading systems over the years.
The withdrawals are processed manually, as of this moment.
Be patient.
Contact us via Telegram to notify about the pending withdrawal. This may speed things up.
This is not our top priority at the moment, but we are going to implement
bank-card and other fiat payment methods for your convenience in the nearest future.
For now, the way to trade fiat money is to deposit it to any broker and use MQL5 Market version of FrankPro.ex5 or Frankenstein.ex5.
Mobile app, perhaps?
There are multiple new things coming up...
Keep an eye on the news page and Forum
to be the first to know when we roll out another important update or feature.