172 optimization matrices(robots) are loaded into the system, around 70 of them are online and running.
The crypto setups lose virtual funds, they show bad dynamics and we turned them off.
It could be some technical issue, because they all lose virt.money.
The result for crypto is inconsistent.
Forex doing great, +70% of profit(to deposit) in over 2 months of trading.
Going to make a few important updates to the system,
then perform audit of the the robots(remove ones with negative results, keep profitable robots).
And new strategies are coming soon, testing polyindicators now...
Reconfiguring the system again,
changed the Virtual Swap and Commission parameters to negative values(a bug),
the robots are now operating at low volumes so that everyone can easily participate in trading(starting from around 2$ per option).
GOLD, SILVER robots are operational again,
Forex too.
Full reoptimization started on Saturday.
July 14 2024,
45 fresh matrices uploaded.
P.S. The old historical data contains bugs, don't rely on it.
Optimization server is active and working... expect new matrices updates soon.
So, there's a few good signals(robots) in the list.
The optimization pool will be reconfigured soon(next week?).
We will keep the good configurations, remove the bad ones and try to add more hardware.
Updated all matrices,
changed filter values(less number of trades, less drawdown).
New series of matrices: 201, 202... testing configurations with KeyLevels ON.
Changed values override_pip_size and overrisde_tick_size for SILVER.
Now it looks like the pair is configured right.
Trying new strategies for BTCUSD, and continuing the hunt for KeyLevel patterns.